The purpose of the Careers Program is to provide career and pathway guidance, information and support to help students make a successful transition from school to further education, training or employment.

It also aims to give students the skills to manage their own careers throughout their lives. The Careers Counsellor helps students to identify their interests and values, think about their strengths, what they’re good at and what they enjoy doing.

Students receive assistance to explore subject, course and career options which match their skills and interests. Students are also provided with support in choosing school subjects that are prerequisites for tertiary courses they are considering and which align with their interests and career goals.

The Careers Counsellor interviews students throughout the year to assist them to make appropriate choices and to keep them informed about relevant tertiary courses, career options and the tertiary application process.

Morrisby Career Profile

All Year 10 students complete the Morrisby Career testing on the final day of exam week in Term 2. The test is designed to identify students’ unique strengths and abilities in a range of different areas, including verbal, numerical and perceptual. The students also complete the Morrisby Interests Questionnaire which explores the types of work and work settings that students prefer. The results of the two tests are then analysed, and a comprehensive Morrisby Profile report is generated. The report summarises the student’s abilities and strengths and identifies a number of possible careers that match these. The report also generates a list of recommended VCE subjects based on the career suggestions. A Morrisby parent information evening is held in Term 2 during which the students’ reports are distributed to families and the results explained in detail.

Career Interviews

All Year 9 students attend a career planning interview in Term 4.  All Year 10 students attend individual interviews in Term 2 following the Morrisby Career testing, during which they receive feedback on their Morrisby test results and initial guidance on VCE subject selection.

All Year 12 students attend two careers interviews with the Careers Counsellor – in Term 1, and again in Term 3 to assist them with their applications for tertiary courses. Students and parents are also welcome to make an appointment to discuss careers related issues at any time throughout the year.

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